Once your backpack is full, you should next buy the items that you just sold, thus temporarily expanding your backpack's storage capacity beyond the usual limit.Ĭomplete the standard Story mode and you'll unlock True Vault Hunter mode. Now grab any items lying around, or purchase the vendor's wares.

First, find a vendor and sell the items in your backpack to make room for more items. You can carry more gear in your backpack than you might think, though this trick is mostly just useful early in the game. Submitted by: AbstractSquid Extra Backpack Storage This is a great way to farm experience, money, and eridium with minimal effort. Otherwise, you'll need to take a more hands-on approach. You can leave your console on and let your weapons automatically take out the enemies while you tend to other things. If you are using a mechromancer and your skill is maxed by that point, your DT duration increases after each kill. Once you defeat the main campaign's boss, stay in that chamber and use your turrets to take out the Rakk enemies that regularly spawn. If you have a commando or mechromancer character (the latter works best), you can level up your character at the end of the campaign so that you're prepared for tougher battles in the True Vault Hunter mode. Submitted by: Nebbun522 Easy Money, Eridium, and XP The trick works even better if you load a second character and have them stand near Tina, constantly respawning Flamestick. Killing Flamestick will result in a failed mission, but then you can retry the mission as often as you like for more easy XP. Instead of bringing him to that destination, kill him for the experience points (his death results in around 5000XP if you are at level 35 and playing on True Vault Hunter mode. Play through the mission as instructed until you are supposed to bring Flamestick to the table that Tina will have prepared. However, you can easily gain experience points by repeatedly failing the mission. The first optional Tiny Tina mission is titled "You Are Cordially Invited" and your apparent goal is to lure a thug named Flamestick to a party where he will meet his demise. Those enemies have a chance of dropping the " Longbow" sniper rifle, which just so happens to shoot arrows like the ones seen in Minecraft.Įasy Leveling (You Are Cordially Invited) In Caustic Caverns, around the Guardian Ruins near the end of the map, there are "dirt blocks" (from Minecraft) around a cavern to the right and under the minecart used for " Minecart Mischief." After performing melee attacks on the blocks, one will encounter several creepers and a badass creeper, which are also from Minecraft. Submitted by: ohlove Minecraft Easter Egg Also, the reanimation station will say "You will not die unless you are told" after reviving you, which is a reference to an R. One of the rifle challenges is called "This is My Rifle," which is part of a familiar line from the movie.
There are multiple references to the movie Full Metal Jacket spread around the game. Submitted by: killkillkillomg Full Metal Jacket References Those take 5 hits to break, and if you pass through them you will find some Creepers.

If you turn right from there, you should see some stone and coal.

Attack it a few times and you should be able to push through, provided it is 2 blocks high. Jump over it and land on some earth, then proceed right from there to find dirt that looks like something you might find in Minecraft. You should spot a stone shaped like a cube. In the Minecart Madness side quest, turn right from where you find the mine cart. Play until you reach the Caustic Caverns area.